QI & Safety in Primary Care Enhanced Service 24/25

The Quality Improvement & Safety Enhanced Service evolved from the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP). This offering provides support to allow individual practices to carry out Quality Improvement work through the Scottish Enhanced Service Programme (SESP).

To find out more about the Enhanced Service, contact the team

Scroll down to find out about the contract requirements, cluster working and use of toolkits.

Enhanced Service Requirements 24/25

A full checklist of the contract requirements can be found here.


The deadline for submission of project proposal is 31st May 2024.

Click the button below to download the proposal template.


Attendance at one of the launch workshops in June 2024 is a contractual requirement of the Enhanced Service.

Click the button below for more information.


Baseline data is required by 23rd August 2024. Practices are required to submit an additional 3 data points (for non-toolkit projects) or 6 data points (for toolkit projects). The deadline for submission of the 3 (or 6) further data points is 28th March 2025.

Click the button below to read more about data and measurement.

Planning Tool

Submission of a planning tool is required by 23rd August 2024.

Click the button below to learn more about planning tools.

Project Charter

Submission of the project charter is required by 23rd August 2024.

An example project charter from the team at Links Medical Centre can be found here.

Click the button below to download the charter template.

Coaching Clinics

Coaching clinics are being held virtually from August to December 2024. Additional clinics can be arranged as required.

Attendance at a coaching clinic is a contractual requirement of the Enhanced Service. Practices can book as many clinics as they need.

Click the button below to learn more about coaching clinics.

Evidence of test of change

Undertake and measure small tests of change using a PDSA cycle. Submit evidence of this by 25th October 2024. Learn more about using a PDSA here.

Click the button below to download the template.

Patient and Staff Experience

Evidence of patient or staff experience is required by 28th March 2025. Learn more about patient/staff experience here.

Click the button below to download the template.


Practices are required to submit a poster by 28th March 2025.

Click the button below to download the template. Please see the technical guidance document here.

Showcase Events

The showcase events will be held in April/May 2025. Dates tbc.

Click the button below for more information.

Cluster Working

Practices are welcome to work within their cluster on an agreed project topic.

Cluster project topics must

  • Have demonstrated evidence of local testing.

  • Have a designated ‘Cluster Project Lead’ who is stated in the initial proposal. This does not have to be a PQL or CQL.

  • Have the ‘Cluster Project Lead’ attend a launch workshop.

  • Have all participating practices must complete all Enhanced Service requirements. This includes attendance at workshops, showcase events, and completion of practice specific planning tools.

Not all practices in a cluster need to sign up for the cluster project to proceed.

For more information, please contact the QI team.

Use of Quality Improvement toolkits

In 2024-25, practices can choose to use an existing NHS Lothian Quality Improvement toolkit for their QI project.

These toolkits provide the tools and templates needed for a successful QI project, sharing previously-tested change ideas and practical resources as well a data collection and measurement framework. Quality planning toolkits provide guidance and resources to support practices through quality planning stages, with suggestions regarding data collection, measurement frameworks and change ideas.

Practices opting to use the QI toolkits will complete all monitoring arrangements as per the contract, submitting a minimum of six data points.

Click the button below to view the available toolkits