Quality Improvement

Cohort 1

Sheena Borthwick

Cohort 3

Isla Muir- (Liberton) Embedding QI into Everyday Practice

Alisson Stewart - (Tranent Health Centre) Provide an appointment system that meets the needs of the Practice population and prioritises the patients with the greatest need.

Cohort 4

Ian Bruce - (Tranent Health Centre) Review Appropriateness of GP & NP Appointment Use

Cohort 5

Julie McCaskey - Prestonpans - Improve the quality of the testing process for urine samples within Prestonpans Group Practice

Val Thomson - North Berwick  - Results Handling

Cohort 6

Wendy Knottenbelt - Gullane Medical Practice  - Prescription Requests

Mandy Canning - Improving Vaccine Handling & Storage in GP Practices

Adeline Tan - Redesign Telephone Referral form for MERRIT

Cohort 8

Kath Robertson - Development of a safe & robust system for recording longterm medication prescribed by secondary care, in the patients' GP record & Electronic Care Summary

Sandra Bagnall - Use the eFrailty Index with one GP practice to reduce contact with Primary Care in frequent attenders from the mild frailty group & improve patient experience

Cohort 10

Sue Perkins (Waverley Gate) - Improving Access to Cardiovascular Risk Treatment, Management and Advice

Victoria Soblewska - Who’s Looking after the Boarders?

Cohort 11

Elise O’Leary (Waverley Gate) - Increasing Hepatitis C Testing

Cohort 12

Michelle Downer (Blackhall Medical Practice) - Improve the Quality of KIS information for Housebound patients.

Leona Carroll ( Dalhousie Medical Practice) - How many GPs are Too Many?

Andrew Clarke & Gareth Fitzgerald (Pennywell All Care Centre) - Ensuring optimum care in high strength ICS use

Cohort 13

Gillian Anderson, Louise Crawford & Leigh Proudfoot (Craigmillar Medical Group) - Think Different, think patient

Sarah Lynch (St. Triduanas) - Reducing Stress/Workload in Duty Doctors

Cohort 14

Colin Anderson- (East Lothian Community Hospital) National Spinal Unit Patients Annual Renal Function Surveillance in Primary Care Radiology

Cohort 15

Dervilla Bray (Edinburgh HSCP) - Releasing GP time through the implementation of the pharmacotherapy element of the new GP Contract

Leonie Hunter (Tranent Medical Practice) - Understanding Patient Activation in Primary Care

Cohort 16

Louise Bailey (St Triduana’s Medical Practice) - To identify and reliably treat patients with Type 2 diabetes requiring second line medication in primary care setting

Marjory Brisbane & Leona Jackson (Strathbrock Partnership Centre) - Mail Management Improvements in Primary Care – making better use of admin staff to lighten the GP workload

Nicola Duffy (Newlands Medical Practice) -Safe prescribing of analgesics in Primary care

Natalie Wood & Louise Matthews (Pathhead Medical Centre) - Effective Care navigation in Pathhead Medical Centre

James Park (Bonnyrigg Health Centre) - Reduce waiting times and increase throughput for child referrals to Midlothian CLDN Service

Karen Reid & Sharon Stewart (Allermuir Health Centre/Wester Hailes Medical Practice) - To understand and explore the current process for managing acute and acute on chronic pain in adults at Wester Hailes and identify areas requiring improvement.

Cohort 17

Mike Hart (Craigshill Health Centre) - Improving use of capacity and effectiveness of appointing to GP Advanced Physiotherapy (GP AAP) service at a GP practice

Karin Innes (Craigmillar Medical Practice) - Identification of DNAs for Urgent Suspicion of Cancer (USOC) Referrals from General Practice

Planning for Quality

Cohort 1

James McCallum - (Bathgate Primary Care Centre) Patient focussed discharge dispensing (Frail old people don't hang around in pharmacies)

Cohort 2

Eddie Balfour - (Leith Community Treatment Centre) Neuropathic Pain & the Prescription of Gabapentinoids

John Hardman - (Dunbar Medical Practice) Better Management of regular attendees in Primary Care

Joanna Smail, Andrew MacKay, Hamish Reid & Murray Roddin - Prescribing in Primary Care

Robin Balfour - (Murrayfield Medical Centre) Directing Docman

Cohort 3

Jeremy Chowings - (Leith Surgery) Improving the flow of important information through practice

Elaine Duncan - (Craigshill Health Centre) Frequent Attenders in Primary Care

David Hood - Plan to reduce delayed discharge waits for patients in North West Edinburgh Locality

Cohort 4

Lynda Wilson (Newton Port (Tyne) Practice) & Shelagh Stewart (Prestonpans Health Centre) - Improving Workflow Management in General Practice

Allister Short (Fairfield House) - Understanding and Addressing Delayed Discharge in Midlothian

Cohort 5

David Boag (St Leonards Medical Centre) - Improving identification and management of Housebound patient through improving ACP/KIS

Jane Marshall (Boroughloch Medical Centre) - Multidisciplinary Polypharmacy Reviews of Care Home Residents

Cohort 6

Anthony Simon (Craigmillar Medical Group) - Prescription Headache

Sam Abushal (Whinpark Medical Practice) - Will rationalising medication for the frail patients at Whinpark Medical practice reduce admissions

Cohort 7

Drummond Begg (Penicuik Medical Centre) - Hypertension monitoring and management in primary care

Julia Lutte (Penicuik Medical Centre) - Document Workflow Optimisation in Primary Care: Seeing the important stuff

Guy Dixon (Craigmillar Medical Practice) - Missed Blood Tests in Primary Care

Iain Morrison (Newbattle Medical Practice) - A new model of care for frailty in Midlothian

Andreas Kelch (Kingsgate Medical Practice) - Mail Management Improvement to Enchance Practice Resilience

Cohort 9

Megan Lanigan (S&V - Waverley Gate) - Primary Care prescribing efficiency planning

Cohort 10

Paul Bailey (Newbattle Medical Practice) - Improving the handling of eConsult Admin requests

Carl Bickler (Craigmillar Medical Group) - Reducing the number, and the risk to patients , of uncollected prescriptions from an Edinburgh General Practice

Sue Perkins (Waverley Gate) -Taking the strain out of chronic pain

Orla Prowse (Pennywell All Care Centre) - Improving EHSCP Locality Hub’s ability to support hospital discharges

Angus Walls (Lauriston Building) - Achieving early registration with a primary care dentist in children under 12-months

Virtual Quality Improvement Skills Course

Cohort 1

Sarah Bennie in collaboration with Barclay East Craigs Medical Practice - Nature Prescribing

Cohort 5

Rowan Calloway - Medication review project Part 1: Safety and Efficiency

Emer Krievs & Jenny Mulvey - Implementing Osteoarthritis NICE Guidelines into Primary Care for patients with knee OA

Cohort 6

Geoff Smith - Clinical Risk Register

Cohort 7

Katy Cox & Vicky Graham - Improving Orthoarthritis (OA) of the Knee Patient Experience in Primary Care

Cohort 9

Amanda Robertson - CWIC (Care When it Counts) Primary Care Mental Health

Cohort 12

Valerie Munro - Robust induction to support staff retention

Cohort 15

Elaine Anderson - Improve patient care and efficiency of practice processes for patients prescribed HRT in a GP Practice