Click the Project Titles to view the presentations. Note: not all are available for public view.


Elise O’Leary (Waverley Gate) - Increasing Hepatitis C Testing

Jackie Stevenson (Allermuir) - Improving Use of 1st Line Formulary Oral Nutritional Supplements

Yvonne McWhirr (Edinburgh Council) - Achieving efficiencies in the Homecare Registration Programme

Veronica Davey (Leith Community Centre) - Reduce patient non-attendance at Pain Clinic OPD by 5%

Sarah Butler & Elaine Smith (Herdmanflat) - Referrals for Capacity Assessments

Elaine McLernon (Bonnyrigg Health Centre) - Post Diagnostic Support in Midlothian

Anna Beaglehole (Bonnyrigg Health Centre) - Midlothian Dementia Clinic

Marie Leitch (Herdmannflat) - Alleviate chronic constipation in children with Learning Disabilities

Lisa Graham (Herdmanflat) - Supporting Improvements in Health Outcomes for clients with a learning disability and BMI of 30 and above

Linda Dickens (Inchkeith House Leith) - 7 Day Follow up by Psychiatry Post Discharge

Lucy Abraham (Argyle House) - V1P Lothian : Improving Patient Pathway

Tracey Johnstone - Improving rates of Clozapine physical health screening

Janice Wilkinson (Astley Ainslie Hospital) - Reduce the use of High Level Restraint