Planning for Quality - Cohort 7
Click the Project Titles to view the presentations! Note: not all are available for public view!
Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Kate Pestell - Can the Arts Therapies help to improve the journey from hospital to home?
Royal Hospital for Sick Children
Kirsten Verity & Catriona George - Improving Access to PAVES
Barbara Stewart & Anne Fitzpatrick - Health Equality for Looked after Children across the Lothians
Western General Hospital
Gordon Duncan, Vivien McKay, Kathryn Anderson, Lorna Whitecross - Managing Frailty at the Front Door Interface
Stuart Ritchie - Improving the Inpatient Diabetes Care - which bit to look at
Ravneet Batra - Hepatitis C testing in IHTT patient cohort
Primary Care
Julia Lutte (Penicuik Medical Centre) - Document Workflow Optimisation in Primary Care: Seeing the important stuff
Guy Dixon (Craigmillar Medical Practice) - Missed Blood Tests in Primary Care
Drummond Begg (Penicuik Medical Centre) - Hypertension monitoring and management in primary care
Andreas Kelch (Kingsgate Medical Practice) - Mail Management Improvement to Enchance Practice Resilience
Winkei Mak (HR & OD - Waverley Gate) - Doctors and Dentists in Training - The Lead Employer Model
Carlos Oroz (Chalmers Centre) - What do patients feel about their local service?
Caroline Myles (HSCP Fairfield) -End of Life Care in Midlothian HSCP
Jon Ferrer (Edinburgh Council) Mental Health and Interagency Referral Discussions : Adult Support and Protection (ASP)
Jenni Duncan (HR & OD - Waverley Gate) Redeployment Process
Ewen Stewart (Public Health - Waverley Gate) -Improving uptake of HCV Testing in a Prison Setting through Implementation of Opt-Out testing
Guy Whitehead (Herdmanflat) - East Lothian Access and Rehab QI Programme
Iain Morrison (Newbattle Medical Practice) - A new model of care for frailty in Midlothian
Catherine Stretton, Carlyn Davie, Imogen Smith and James Woods (Chief Registrars) - Lothian Trainee Management Forum - Improving Engagement
Claire Wallace & Julie Bissett (Pennywell All Care Centre) - Case Allocation in North CAMHS