What is it?


The Model for Improvement is a framework that can be used when moving between the quality planning and quality improvement stages of a change programme.

It consists of three key questions that feed iteratively into tests of change and PDSA cycles.

The three questions are

  • What are we trying to accomplish?

  • How will we know that a change is an improvement?

  • What change can we make that will result in improvement?

Why use it?

The Model for Improvement provides a simple but comprehensive framework for improvers. It ensures that the key elements of improvement (aims, measurement, change ideas) are considered and then used to improve the success rate of improvement programmes.

This model accelerates improvement.

How to use it?

At the beginning and throughout the improvement process, work through the questions posed by the Model for Improvement.


Work through the questions to find

  • Your aim (Found through answering “What are we trying to accomplish?”)

  • Your measurement framework (Found through answering “How will we know that a change is an improvement?”)

  • Your tests of change (Found through answering “What change can we make that will result in improvement?”)

Then use PDSA cycles to continue to ask and answer these questions, moving upward towards improvement. Return back to the key questions to understand the direction of your improvement and to determine where to head next.


More information

NES Quality Improvement Zone - For further information about the Model for Improvement

IHI - For more information around how the Model for Improvement can be used

NHS England – for more information of the MFI and PDSA cycles

Want to know more about the Model for Improvement? Want help using it in your own work?

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