Virtual Quality Improvement Skills Course - Cohort 16

January - May 2023

Astley Ainslie Hospital

Ulrike Maute Brown - Local Child Poverty Action Plan Edinburgh

Royal Edinburgh Hospital

Fiona Hill - Supporting Infant Mental Health within Health Visiting

Rhona McAlpine - Promoting the Parent Infant Relationship during Activities of Daily Living (ADLS)

Royal Hospital for Children and Young People

Sofie Bongiorno - Bridge the gap - handover from theatres to recovery


Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

Rachael Robertson - OT Delirium Assessment/Rehabilitation


St. John’s Hospital

Helene Erskine - Discharge Lounge

Keara Hampton - Lothian Oral Health Service Dental Sedation QI Project: Lost Appointments

Rachel Clarke - Conducting the medication reconciliation process on admitted medical patients in the Emergency Department and measuring the impact it has on the Medical Assessment Unit Pharmacy team workload



Kayleigh Morris - Corporate Induction One for All

Elinore Miers - Provision of Diarised Protected time