Virtual Quality Improvement Skills Course - Cohort 12
April - August 2022
Royal Hospital for Children & Young People
Karen Proudfoot - Trauma Prevention in the home in under 5’s
Ewan Smart - Paediatric Patients coming to Theatre in Appropriate attire
Joss Watson & Sarah Morrison - Efficiency of Inpatient Unit Patient Meetings
Hayley Scott - PVC Insertion Bundle Compliance
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Evia Mamvura, Mary Kahraman & Claire Cunningham - Hand Hygiene
St. John’s Hospital
Elise Langlands - Increasing compliance with Waterlow in SJH ITU
Western General Hospital
Naomi Matthews - Review of physiotherapy Vestibular service in ARC
Primary Care
Valerie Munro - Robust induction to support staff retention
Lynsey McLean, Lyndsey Wood & Mark Whitehead - Dual Diagnosis – Community Mental Health & Addictions: Joint Care Planning