Royal Edinburgh Hospital

Elaine McRoberts & Donna McLean - Improving the structure of MDT meetings in Older People's Mental Health

Joanna Skwarski & Janet Nicholson- By December 2017, reduce by 50% the number of telephone interriptions to REH dispensary

Royal Hospital for Sick Children

Anna Dall - An effective, efficient childhood constipation service for Lothian

Western General Hospital

Joan-Marie Sutherland & Alison Mackie -   Medicine Reconciliation on admission in the Medical Assessment Unit at WGH

Royal Infirmary Edinburgh

Jill MacLeod - Improving the patient pathway for patients referred from GPs to RIE for a possible diagnosis of asthma

Gavin Langlands - Improving Communication of Hospital Medication Alterations in Immediate Discharge Letters

Sharon Lockie & Pamela Gulland - To improve patients and staff expereince in the Pacing Clinics at the RIE

St John's Hospital

Kay Colligan - Increasing knowledge and awareness of the HCSW Learning & Development Framework to identify learning and development needs

Sharon Sansome - Working smartly to Improve Communication

Wendy Juner - Transitioning from hospital to home after a stroke

Debbie Crerar & Claire Henderson - Reducing waiting times in MSK Physiotherapy

Astley Ainslie Hospital

Morag Medwin & Margrethe VanDijke - Improved communication of stroke audit data for stakeholders


Penny Cartwright - (Liberton) Hospital at Home

Ian Bruce - (Tranent Health Centre) Review Appropriateness of GP & NP Appointment Use

Joanna Skwarski & Janet Nicholson- By December 2017, reduce by 50% the number of telephone interriptions to REH dispensary