Since the first Cohort of the Quality Improvement Academy course in March 2016, we have seen the course grow and have a steady stream of excellent Quality Improvement projects progressing. Below is a list of the fellows of the Quality Academy and the QI projects which have developed as a result.
Cohort 1- March 2016 - May 2016
Mags Morrow -
Sheena Borthwick-
Fiona Johnson -
Anna March -
Eileen Clark -
Tracy Sneddon -
Mike Gall -
Lorna Jones & Penny Leeming - To improve pre-referral info to service users regarding a CAMHS under 12's day programme.
Leanne Galloway, Charmain Currie, Tricia Macleod, Fiona Mathers - Improving East Lothian CAMHS Referral Triage Pathway
Kathleen Stewart -
Craig Stenhouse -Physical observations to be completed to 100% within the rehabilitation service at REH by December '17.
Beverley Mitchell -
Laura Egan -
Alan Buchanan & Brenda Redmond - Improvingphysical health of patients within the South-West community mental health team by providing annual health checks.
Carol MacKinnon - Review & Improve the scheduling process from DTT to 1st appointment – Barriers to timely scheduling of daycase chemotherapy (SACT)
Caroline McKinnel - Improve patient flow through Ward 1 through better utilisation of skill mix of staff.
Jackie Whigham - Improve the communication pathway from and unscheduled admission outwith oncology to a patient's oncology team (if required)
Julie Blackwood & Alistair Roberts - Improving communication with CAMHS inpatients and their families and carers.
Lesley Shepherd - To improve patient flow through OAA and to improve delivering the sepsis 6 within 60 minutes of presentation.
Sara Jenks - Virtual clinic for Familial Hypercholesterolaemia
Brian Finlay -
Tessa Kirkness -
Rhona McLeod -
Alison Wells, Maureen McKenna, Kerry Turton, Louise Fisher - Introducing a Pan Lothian group based programme for A12 psychological therapy in AMH
Cohort 2
Dec '16 - Feb '17
Fiona Crichton -
Pauline Fox -
James Hannah -
Peter Littlewood -
Chris Miller -
Prem Shah -
Heather Spenceley
Kevin Wallace -
David Taylor -
Amanda Michie
Alana Davies
Sarah Anderson
Sean Harper
Caroline Cochrane & Jo Gouick - Reduce patient non-attendance of outpatients appointments in Clibnical Health Psychology and Neuropsychology rehabilitation services by 10%.
Claire Fyvie & Donna Gilroy - Increasing access for older people to trauma-informed care
Julie Burgmans - Improving access to neurodevelopmental assessment
Katharine Russell - Identify appropriate patients to attend Low Intensity Intervention groups in the OC
Louise Randell & Susan Simpson - Care pathways for severe AN & PD
Tommy Blue & Katie Hardie - Recording consultation with TRAK
Rebecca Brown -
Calum Borthwick -
John McLachlan
Martina Mungall
Cohort 3 Jan '17 - May '17
Annette Cosgrove -Improving the Interface between Patients and Staff in the Waiting Room of the Emergendy Dept RIE.
Robert Sedgley - Providing Theatre's with high level support whilst reducing risk, inefficiency and frustrations.
John Smith - A Skill Mix Review of Outpatient Nursing
Cheryl Tudor- Improving the occupational therapy referral pathway to make it more efficient and effective for service users and staff.
Trish Elder-Gracie - Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Assessment
Emma Barnes - Transitioning from hospital to home after stroke
Isla Muir- Embedding QI into Everyday Practice
Louise Moffatt -
Jennifer Watters -
Caroline Souter- Reduce patient harm from gentamicin
Sian Finch - To improve the quality of follow up for patients commenced on Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) in Lothian referred to Sleep Medicine by Feb '18.
Alisson Stewart - Provide an appointment system that meets the needs of the Practice population and prioritises the patients with the greatest need.
Tracy Lazenby-Paterson - Improving the eating and drinking experience of adults with learning disabilities in hospital.
Rebecca Kellett - Improving the safety and quality of life of care home residents with communication and/or swallowing difficulties due to dementia.
David Cusack - Implementing a physiologist led valve clinic for mild-moderate aortic setnosis patients, improving quality, continuity and efficiency.
Rebecca Lawrence- Redesign of Ritson Clinic Criteria for Referral/Admission
Cohort 4 Feb '17 - June '17
Sharon Sansome - Working smartly to Improve Communication
Gavin Langlands - Improving Communication of Hospital Medication Alterations in Immediate Discharge Letters
Sharon Lockie & Pamela Gulland - To improve patients and staff expereince in the Pacing Clinics at the RIE
Elaine McRoberts & Donna McLean - Improving the structure of MDT meetings in Older People's Mental Health
Anna Dall - An effective, efficient childhood constipation service for Lothian
Joanna Skwarski & Janet Nicholson- By December 2017, reduce by 50% the number of telephone interriptions to REH dispensary
Joan-Marie Sutherland & Alison Mackie - Medicine Reconciliation on admission in the Medical Assessment Unit at WGH
Jill MacLeod - Improving the patient pathway for patients referred from GPs to RIE for a possible diagnosis of asthma
Debbie Crear & Claire Henderson - Reducing waiting times in MSK Physiotherapy
Kay Colligan - Increasing knowledge and awareness of the HCSW Learning & Development Framework to identify learning and development needs
Ian Bruce - Review Appropriateness of GP & NP Appointment Use
Wendy Juner - Transitioning from hospital to home after a stroke
Penny Cartwright - Hospital at Home
Morag Medwin & Margrethe VanDijke - Improved communication of stroke audit data for stakeholders