Astley Ainslie Hospital

Sheena Muir - Spasticity Management Service: Increasing face to face reviews after Botulinum Toxin Injections

Tracey Sanderson - Improving the Quality & Experience of Admission to Adult LD inpatient services

Royal Edinburgh Hospital

Robert Clafferty - Improving the quality of junior doctor Psychiatry of Old Age training scheme in Royal Edinburgh Hospital services.


Royal Hospital for Sick Children

Kenny MacLeod - Management of acute respiratory conditions in the Sick Kids.  Can we improve by doing less?

Gwyneth Bruce & Margaret Monan - South Edinburgh CAMHS, Pathway for ADHD Assessment - Improving efficiency & patient experience

Royal Infirmary Edinburgh

Gillian Cunningham - Strengthening Reliability of Site Activity Projections

Ravi Ravindran - To improve RIE emergency patients access to theatres (as per NCEPOD crieria) to 100% by October 2017

Lynne Douglas, Sam Molyneaux, Elizabeth Eckles & Susan Whyte -  Neck of Femur Clinical Pathway


St. John's Hospital

Jim Morrison - Reduce OP attendances for benign conditions which require biopsy from 3 to 1 for 50% of patients by April 2018


Western General Hospital

Lyndsay Cameron, Nick Church & Kris Wright - To provide timely and patient-centred access to diagnostic and theraputic endoscopy procedures for patients treated within NHS Lothian

Francis Yuille, Zor Muang, Douglas McCormick - Quality Improvement in the Lung Cancer Pathway

Fiona Gaskell - To achieve a reduction of 30% in un-necessary return visits to ambulatory care at the WGH by August 2017

Stuart McLellan - Reforming routine follow up of patients on long term ventilation


Jeremy Chowings - (Leith Surgery) Improving the flow of important information through practice

Elaine Duncan - (Craigshill Health Centre) Frequent Attenders in Primary Care

Nicola McCloskey-Sellar - (Ardmillan House) Breast Screening Quality Improvement Project

David Hood - Plan to reduce delayed discharge waits for patients in North West Edinburgh Locality