Royal Hospital for Sick Children

Daniela Ellis & Claire Hathorn - Reducing DNA rates in Paediatric clinics at RHSC


Royal Infirmary Edinburgh

Chris Myers & Lorna Turner - Reducing length of stay across the Orthogeriatric pathway

Kim Dickson & Alan Japp - Reducing time in hospital for patients with heart failure

Nicola Zammitt, Pat Wynne, Sheena Walter  - Promoting attendance and HbA1c measurement at the RIE type 1 diabetes clinic


St. John's Hospital

Latana Munang & Mairead Hughes - Frailty in West Lothian

Katy Ruggeri, Paul Mills, Simon Nicholson & Fiona Schofield - Changing models of care in Gynae

Western General Hospital

Chris Stiring, Catherine Crombie, Sheena Kerr, Tracy Kershaw, Mhairi Collie & Anne Donaldson - Ensure 93.3% of all patients requiring colorectal surgery are properly informed, consented, prepared and discharged.

Oliver Young & Shelley-Marie O'Hare - Optimising breast cancer follow up

Primary Care

John Hardman - (Dunbar Medical Practice) Better Management of regular attendees in Primary Care

Joanna Smail, Andrew MacKay, Hamish Reid & Murray Roddin - Prescribing in Primary Care


Eddie Balfour - (Leith Community Treatment Centre) Neuropathic Pain & the Prescription of Gabapentinoids

Robin Balfour - (Murrayfield Medical Centre) Directing Docman

Andrew McCreadie, Susan Goldsmith & Craig Marriott - Improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of monthly financial reporting