PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act)
Change on a large scale can be daunting but that should not deter you! Before implementing a full proposal for change, a Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycle can be used to test out an idea on a small scale.
New ideas should be introduced only after sufficient testing on a smaller scale has proven to have a positive effect. PDSA cycles allow ideas to be introduced in a safe, controlled way which will have less resistance, be less disruptive and use fewer resources. By building on the learning from each PDSA cycle, new processes can be introduced with a greater chance of success.
Define the objectives
What, Why, Who, How & When
How long will the PDSA continue?
How will you know if the PSDA is a success?
What data collection methods are you using?
Carry out the trial
Encourage continual feedback within your team
Collect data and information
Examine your findings & reflect on what was learned
What did it feel like - was a difference noticed?
Did you achieve your objectives?
What went well & what could be improved?
Use the information gained to modify & retest
Do you require more data
Does the trial need to be over a longer period?
Implement the new process