This toolkit is currently being updated. Please contact if you would like to be notified when the update is released.

In the meantime, it may be helpful to access The 7 steps to ACPs in Care Homes resources available here


This toolkit was developed after consultation with multiple primary care team members across NHS Lothian.

The resources included are guides for how to implement this work in your practice. They should be adapted so that they best suit and reflect your practice’s environment and context.

Please let us know if you implement this toolkit within your practice. Feedback is welcome.

Please contact us if you require any support utilising this toolkit in your practice. 


This toolkit provides a QI perspective for practices to understand their own Care Home context to identify opportunities for improvement. It provides an overview of a broad variety of QI tools and brings together many pre-existing relevant national resources and guidelines  into one document for ease of use. The toolkit has been generated using the experience and learning from Lothian teams who have undertaken Care Home improvement work to share and spread tested effective approaches to Anticipatory Care Planning and MDT Team Reviews. These are both underpinned by good communication strategies to ensure the provision of safe, effective and patient-centred care.

We recognise that the current COVID-19 pandemic has created a new and real urgency for this improvement work, and whilst the majority of clinical management of COVID-19 falls outwith the remit of this toolkit, we have included some of the main resources to encourage reflection and facilitate necessary improvements within the current context and challenges.

Toolkit version 1.23. Last updated April 2021

This toolkit is currently being updated. Please contact if you would like to be notified when the update is released.

Want to know more about the toolkit or other available resources? Contact the team.