Sue Perkins - Quality Improvement Advisor

Sue joined the team as an Associate Quality Improvement Advisor in June 2018 and took on the Quality Improvement Advisor role in February 2020.

Elaine Anderson - Associate Quality Improvement Advisor

Elaine joined the team as an Associate Quality Improvement Advisor in May 2022.

Jo Edmiston - Quality Improvement Project Officer

Jo joined the team as Project Officer in January 2022.

Dr Rebecca Green - Clinical Lead Primary Care Quality Improvement & Patient Safety

Rebecca has been a GP in Lothian for 18 years, and now works clinically at Pathhead. She has trained as a Scottish Improvement Leader and is now also a Scottish Quality & Safety Fellow. She has been part of the Primary Care QI Network team since 2018, and became Clinical Lead in 2020.

Sarah Bennie - Associate Quality Improvement Advisor

Sarah joined the team as Project Officer in January 2020 before being appointed as an Associate Quality Improvement Advisor in October 2021.