16th, 28th & 30th June 2016
June saw a total of three Clinical Change Forum events take place across three different sites. The Royal Edinburgh, the Western General and Royal Infirmary each hosted a forum whose theme was:
‘How do clinicians and patients manage risk in challenging situations?’.
Each event was extremely well attended and feedback has been very positive.
Download the presentations
- 16 June 2016 - Considering Risk in an Acute Mental Health Ward
- 16 June 2016 - Integration of Community Mental Health and Substance Misuse Services in North West Edinburgh
- 28 June 2016 - Informed Consent When Emotions Are Running High, Who Owns the Risk?
- 28 June 2016 - Entrepreneurship/innovation within NHS Lothian
- 28 June 2016 - Electronic Early Warning Systems and Patient Safety
- 30 June 2016 - I want to eat – feeding people with unsafe swallow
- 30 June 2016 - *Frail elderly training programme for health and social care staff *