The Acute Adult Safety Programme
The aims of this programme are to Reduce Hospital Standardised Mortality Rates and rates of harm by improving:
Also included in this programme as priorities for Lothian are:
Medicines Reconciliation
Peripheral Vascular Cannula Care Bundle (and SAB rates)
Catheter use / Bladder and Bowel care
Venous Thrombo-embolism (VTE)
(Acute Kidney Injury as a prototype project rather than across Lothian as yet)
NHS Lothian's Pressure Ulcer Improvement Journey by Ruth Ropper, Jacqui Pringle and Shona Baird.
For examples of local projects click here.
Below are a few posters related to falls, pressure ulcers and deteriorating patients:
Data drives Improvement
NHS Lothian has its own software package that allows clinical staff to enter data and produce automatic run charts – this data is used to report to local teams (and displayed on wards), Quality Improvement Teams (QITs), management teams and HIS, and is used to determine whether change has made an improvement. It is called the Quality Improvement Data System (QIDS) and is available on the intranet. Click on the link to see an example